一九七九年那是一个春天,有一位老人在中国的南海边画了一个圈,神话般地崛起座座城,奇迹般聚起座座金山,这首《春天的故事》唱红了大江南北,唱出了改革开放带来的巨大变化,也唱出了伟人邓小平同志的英明决策。今年离改革开放已经三十年了,在历史的长河中,三十年只是短暂的-刹那,但对于个人或者家庭来说三十年是漫长的路程,烙下了难以泯灭的往事。在改革开放的三十年里我们深刻的体会到改革带来的巨大变化和繁荣昌盛,尤其是1978年到2008年,不论是国家经济繁荣的发展还是个人家庭小康的实现,polo ralph lauren pas cher,都在向世人展示着改革开放的成果和中国取得的伟大成就,不说别的方面单从身边老百姓最基本的衣食住行就能体现出来。
7 `" {' Y, M) S8 d6 v# I 古人云:“民以食为天”,老百姓首先关注的就是食物了,吃饱穿暖是千百年来人们最基本的追求,记得小时候家里穷啊,妈妈告诉我那时候棒子面做的窝窝头都吃不上、吃不饱,一遇到自然灾害那是逮着能吃的就往嘴里塞,就是这样还是每天饿的走路晃悠悠的,大人孩子都盼着麦收和过年,因为只有这个时候才能改善生活吃上白面。而如今随着国家的政策一天比一天好,经过改革开放三十年的努力,人民的生活那是芝麻开花节节高,白面馒头猪头肉已经满足不了生活的需要了,现在的人开始流行吃素食,讲究品位和特色。回到家打开冰箱里面琳琅满目、应有尽有,都是时下的新鲜蔬菜、水果、肉制品等,家里要是来个客人,不愿意在家做饭,一招手呼啦啦的就上大饭店去了,想吃什么点什么,见过的没见过的、听过的没听过的,你往哪菜单上一指,不出一刻钟厨师就能给你端上来,franklin & marshall。$ z, p& X/ c4 x! d
“新三年旧三年缝缝补补又三年",老大穿旧了老二穿,老二穿破了老三补着穿,是那个时候的真实写照,一般农村家庭孩子都比较多,一件衣服几乎是轮流穿一边,等实在不能穿了,在进行加工做成鞋底、做成鞋子。反正是不能浪费一点材料,物质匮乏啊!因此,小时候天天数着手指头算着离过年还有多久,franklin et marshall,过年不仅能穿上新衣服、吃上饺子,还能挣点压岁钱。小时候衣服的颜色也比较单调,主要就是黑色、蓝色、白色,就算有花色的衣服,那也是以较暗的色调为主,更别提讲什么名牌了。如今走在城市的街道上,到处是名牌专卖店,polo ralph lauren homme,国内外知名的大品牌都能找得到,颜色也是五颜六色、丰富多彩,就连老头老太太都穿红着绿扭着秧歌来丰富自己晚年的生活,更别提年轻的姑娘和小伙子了,那更是一个赛一个,一个比一个穿的个性、穿的与众不同。穿衣己从人生活的基本需求变成形像的展示,个性的张扬和生活的享受,追求名牌新潮已成了时尚。" E' K. g' z: \5 a" X
以前住的房子不怕连日晴,就怕连日雨,要是一下连日雨,那肯定是屋外下大雨,屋里下小雨,能用的盆啊、罐啊全都用上了,雨滴打在器皿上发出叮叮咚咚的声音像在演奏风雨大合唱,全家八、九口人,住在三间房子里,晚上上个厕所一不留神都能踩着人的脑袋。现在是家家盖上了新瓦房甚至楼房,再也不怕连日雨了,屋里屋外也是宽敞明亮,不想和别人一起住的,就自己住个单间,也不怕晚上上厕所踩着他人的脑袋了。兄弟姐妹长大后也大多离开了家在外谋生,十多间的大房子只剩下了父母两人在家,他们总是感觉房子太空荡了,常常盼望儿女回家,每个人的房子父母都给收拾的干干净净,ralph lauren pas cher,就等子女有时间了回家住着方便。家乡那一座座白瓷砖红房顶的房子想雨后春笋一个个的冒出来,那种土坯房早在历史的长河里成了历史的记忆。
, }: L9 O' T$ ~ 小时候走亲戚,路比较近的就走着去,路远的有毛驴就套个毛驴车去,家里要是没毛驴车还想去,那就得早早的起来,怀里揣个窝窝头,franklin and marshall,带上一壶水走着去,这样到亲戚家误不了吃饭。要是谁家有一辆自行车,那绝对不亚于现在的奥迪A6,像宝贝一样,天天擦,还舍不得让别人骑。改革开放的三十年里家里添置了一辆又一辆自行车,各种新样式的车走进了千家万户,特别是现在,摩托车、电动车、家庭小汽车等,在农村已经不是什么稀罕的物件了。再走亲戚的时候两个轱辘的车都不愿意做坐了,大多都坐四个轱辘的车,全国各地想去哪就去哪,太远了嫌坐车累的,买张机票一会功夫就到了。我们隔壁的老爷爷总是笑呵呵的说,说不定过几年就要把这些地上跑的玩意淘汰了,换成带翅膀的在天上飞飞,那样车多造成的交通阻塞就可以缓解一下了。从自行车的匮乏到现在小汽车的普及,交通工具的日新月异,成了改革开放老百姓生活巨变的一个显著标志。# ]' A4 i3 U# s* f* I
中国有千千万万个家庭组成,是社会的细胞,也是社会的缩影,不管是城市家庭还是农村家庭不断的变化、发展、前进,都反应了社会的发展、变迁,也折射着人生的变化。虽然衣食住行仅是社会时代变化的一小部分,却也说明邓小平同志做出改革开放的决策是多么的英明和正确。改革开放30年里,不仅是中华人民共和国命运的转折,同样也是13亿炎黄子孙的命运转折。同时30年的改革开放之路,是波澜壮阔的30年,是沧桑巨变的30年,是中华民族发展史上瑰丽辉煌的30年!30年呕心沥血的征程,让中华民族以崭新的姿态重新屹立于世界民族之林,铸就了一个民族近百年的梦想! 上一篇:晨游翠云山 下一篇:麦苗青青相关的主题文章:# V9 f1 [9 P E# c$ X* ]
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US President Barack Obama warned of a "deep economic crisis" if Washington fails to raise the US debt limit, and urged Americans in a speech to demand that Republicans compromise in stalled talks to avoid a default.! n* r7 l5 P- C% y+ W) w# ?
A day shy of the one-week mark before the United States begins to run out of money to pay its bills, Obama in a nationally televised address called the debt talks stalemate that now has dragged on for weeks "a dangerous game" that the country "cannot afford to play.") A4 d) u l: }- _
As the president spoke from the East Room of the White House, the dollar plunged to a four month low in Tokyo early Tuesday amid growing jitters as the impasse between Republicans and Democrats over the US debt crisis deepened./ k) V& M H+ @( \6 C
Obama cast the blame for the stalemate on Republicans' refusal to raise the $14.3 trillion debt ceiling unless there is agreement to make deep spending cuts without increases in taxes on the wealthy.4 g/ f* | R1 B/ }% l( A9 s; U
If Congress fails to raise the debt ceiling by August 2, the resulting economic disaster could include higher interest rates for the US government as well as for American consumers.
, N! {6 G: d8 k# ~0 VFailure to compromise, Obama said in his speech from the White House, "would risk sparking a deep economic crisis -- one caused almost entirely by Washington."/ `, o. @% j5 }
He rejected a Republican proposal for a temporary increase in the debt limit, arguing it would leave the underlying problem unresolved and lead to a repeat of the current crisis in just six months' time.
4 C! o& s' P8 Z4 ?6 ~"That is no way to run the greatest country on Earth. It is a dangerous game we've never played before, and we can't afford to play it now," he said.
+ o5 f) R" K* W# b7 o6 YWith a potential US default as of Tuesday just a week away, Obama appealed to Americans to "make your voice heard" to members of Congress.* q& d7 o/ \: u0 L4 n, X
Obama's 9:00 pm (0100 GMT) speech was only his seventh formal address to the nation, and the first since he unveiled a timeline for a US troop withdrawal from Afghanistan in June.
" ?6 E; K. W4 \1 G; S; KThe top Republican leader in Congress, John Boehner, responded with a late-night speech of his own Monday, blaming Obama for the crisis, and warning that while the United States cannot default on its debt obligations, Americans nevertheless would demand deep cuts in spending.# @( ~1 s. y3 Y0 l, ]$ p
Boehner -- who has flatly rejected Obama's call for tax hikes on the rich and on wealthy corporations -- is proposing a two-step plan with increases first to February or March 2012, and later to 2013.
! E# r8 h' N: p+ I, A Z; V5 I"Time is running short and it would be irresponsible for the president to veto this common-sense plan and run the risk of default," said Boehner, who is the speaker of the House of Representatives.
6 S' S- a" E3 u4 g"I would encourage the Senate to pass this plan and the president to sign it," he said.
5 |" Y2 h, b3 }/ R/ S2 }( r( gThe prospect of the world's richest country running out of cash to pay its bills come next Tuesday sent stocks sliding and gold soaring while the IMF warned of a "severe shock" to the world economy absent an elusive breakthrough.
$ z/ k# T9 L2 i; K# D+ \Washington hit its debt ceiling on May 16 but has used spending and accounting adjustments, as well as higher-than-expected tax receipts, to continue operating normally but can only do so through August 2.
+ U9 o- I* ^9 b. XAt that point, US leaders will face an agonizing choice about cutting an estimated 40 cents of every dollar in spending and defaulting either on debt payments or on other obligations like government health or retirement benefits.+ w- _2 s$ r" N6 i! M. y+ |( e1 o
Finance and business leaders have warned that failure to raise the US debt ceiling by then would send shockwaves through the fragile world economy, while Obama has predicted a default would trigger economic "Armageddon."
9 s& O7 ^( m$ D' O/ V7 m! Y* j. R& PMeanwhile, there were signs that the stand-off was exacting a political toll on the president.+ p( ]% k2 W+ o1 b. G$ X/ ?' W0 i
A poll released early Tuesday by the Washington Post and ABC television showed weakening support for Obama's economic agenda, and found that the percentage of people who said Obama has made the economy worse has jumped six points since October to 37 percent.. H% _2 w; ~5 Y+ K( _# c: s, F
Republicans also took a hit in Americans' esteem however, according to the survey. About as many people blamed Republican policies for the bad economy as they do Obama.
p: ~# G" ^$ O) M- D. T. }) KBut the poll found that 65 percent disapproved of the GOP's handling of jobs -- still the top economic issue -- compared to 52 percent for the president.6 j. L4 x5 H+ e
All sides in the dispute agree Washington must reduce its deficit but disagree on the size and blend of spending cuts and revenue increases as well as on how and whether to slice into the social safety net.
, L: Z b/ I! b5 j% e! VThe International Monetary Fund pressed US politicians to raise the debt ceiling "expeditiously to avoid a severe shock to the US economy and world financial markets" with the deadline now looming large.- ~; P! v1 d4 X5 |% [9 {
Weighed down by the impasse, US stock markets fell and safe-haven Swiss francs soared amid worries about both the dollar and the euro, while gold climbed to a record $1,624 an ounce before falling back slightly to $1,614.' a, D3 A6 p/ D
Meanwhile, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton tried to mollify America's allies and creditors in Asia, promising during a trip there that "intense" wrangling among the White House, its Democratic allies, and Republican foes would reach an 11th-hour compromise. |