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发表于 2003-10-10 10:45:00 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2003-10-10 16:57:00 | 只看该作者
TONY: 不知您找什么货?还是那句话: 蒸汽一级4200以下黄埔交无风险,只是很难找
发表于 2011-3-30 13:46:00 | 只看该作者
  友人,你因为别人的厌恶而伤心过吗?你因为别人的粗暴而恼恨过吗?你因为别人的不理不睬而懊恼过吗?——有呀。然而你有不想过他们为什么要这样对你,或是你应当怎么对待他们呢?我想应该微笑面对。因为微笑能够出现你的真诚,表白你的内心,dre beats,熔化你们之间的冰霜。这样既服务于别人又将会得到别人的服务。7 w. y0 g  v$ j/ f8 d: G+ s, L
6 z- Q: m1 C8 C) B* _' I. G
  微笑服务固然不能转变什么,tods shoes,但它却足以令世界更加温馨。微笑服务就是让两颗生疏的心牢牢地连在一起,融去所有不协调。微笑地看待别人能浮现你的灵魂,翻开你的心窗,坦露你的心声。微笑服务使人与人之间更感亲热、友爱。
# l( A( h" q# s) G7 ]+ E . v' {- s1 D. o8 g8 B' b
  海纳百川,有容乃大。微笑服务要有博大的襟怀,高贵的风采,兴许你会以为微笑服务是自作多情,但请不要废弃。微笑服务虽得不到什么面前好处,但你在对人微笑时已在真诚的泥土中撒播下一颗丰满的种子。时间用它的血汗灌溉着它,让它疾速增加,种子的萌生须要你的照顾,结出的果实将是无一能比,beats by dre,而你得到的将是最好的、最诚挚的人道之美。8 H. f% B. [. }( o' O

& J# B' S. S9 ]3 Y  冷漠的人为你的微笑而热忱,可怜的人为你的微笑而察觉生涯如斯美妙,beats by dr dre,失败的人为你的微笑而重扬航帆,tods,幸福快活的人为你的微笑而充斥活气,tods men
9 D) G3 z+ G, u
' B1 L8 q' |& v7 [, ]  微笑地对待别人同样是微笑对待本人。由于你的微笑会让更多的人清楚其中的真理。无论如许冷淡的人终极他那颗冷淡的心都会被你的微笑所感动。时光的流水也会冲洗去他心坎的灰尘。他也会以双倍的真挚往返报你,同时也会像你一样微笑对人。+ Z) c% p' D1 a9 i* _
9 A* C$ V$ E( @* a3 d   different Egypt.
1 E2 e9 d( Q3 b# o  r  
7 i' u* ~4 i4 p0 Q   男人,好想大哭一场
0 U( t! |7 w5 x  D- P  % K3 l8 b/ `& @3 T
$ K! u7 q& k/ ^9 ~4 l7 a- ^  # W. m4 }8 p2 K, U- ]: d4 k, u# l! R

% ?# W! }: r" i2 B: L "Oh! For god's sake, let me go!" cried Oliver,"Let me run away and die in the fields. I will never come near London; never, never! Oh! Pray8) have mercy on me9), and do not make me steal. For the love of all the bright angels that rest in heaven, have mercy upon me!" The man to whom this appeal10) was made, swore a dreadful oath, and had cocked11) the pistol, when Toby, striking it from his grasp, placed his hand upon the boy's mouth, and dragged him to the house.
8 d4 i" H  O1 W$ W8 s   ....  "Take this lantern," said Sikes, looking into the room, "You see the stairs afore12) you?" Oliver, more dead than alive13), gasped out, "Yes." Sikes, pointing to the street-door with the pistol-barrel, briefly advised him to take notice that he was within shot all the way14); and that if he faltered15), he would fall dead that instant. "It's done in a minute," said Sikes, in the same low whisper, "Directly I leave go of you. Do your work. Hark16)!" "What's that?" whispered the other man. They listened intently. "Nothing," said Sikes, releasing his hold of Oliver, "Now!"
发表于 2011-6-8 20:31:00 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2011-6-8 20:41:00 | 只看该作者
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